Thursday, January 17, 2008


Thoughts range free now. Pretty much at randomness. How much of what we say or write is really our own and not filtered thoughts of others? Is it possible to have an original thought?

It is great to be inspired by words and deeds, it is great to emulate (or is it), but is there a special area where you create the deeds, you inspire the words? Is that what the goal of life should be?

Lots of questions huh? Well when the mind roams in randomness, I still find more questions than answers. I guess the turning point will arrive when the answers take over my brain and surprise me with their clarity.

I think very seriously that that is the ambition of my life. I have tried to reconcile my goals within the parameters of money, fame, charity, virtue. Don't get me wrong, I want all of those in plenty, but the one ambition that is constant, that does not shift or change is that of knowledge. Of original knowledge. Something that is not just an interpretation of other people's words, but an original thought, a private glimpse at the truth.

People want many things in their lifetime and things achieved before they die. Ever since I was a kid I remember that my one wish was that all will be revealed before death. That I will know.

To tell you the truth, this monologue was inspired by the silliest of things. I was going through some of my friends' 'about me' columns on a networking site. So many had quotes from different sources, some credited, some not ( a pretense of ownership?). I cannot help but wonder whether this is incomplete, the act of describing yourself through other people's words. They never knew you. They never went through the many circumstances you alone have faced. One must understand oneself in order to write such things.

I am trying not to be judgmental. And I do understand that what people write in these columns is generally of no importance whatsoever. But I can't help but think, so many experiences, so many perspectives. Maybe it would be one of the greatest things in the world, if everyone could express themselves. Originally.


Anonymous said...

We'll never know; not in this life. Maybe we'll know a little more later on.
For me, the ultimate goal has morphed from knowing to enjoying.
I enjoyed your blog.

Filarial said...

I enjoyed this blog too... I have pondered on the subject many a time and my inconclusive conclusion is that it is not possible to have an original thought because you are so influenced by the things around you from a young age that when you think you have come up with an original thought it is actually inspired from some part of your experiences till then...

FamiliarQuark said...

Very nicely put. The clarity in the thought process comes across in the blog.
Though... The moment one thinks that one knows, the knowing stops. The joy is probably not in the "knowing" but surely on "in the knowing" :)

Unsettler of Catan said...

i was reading something on similar lines recently and came across the idea that a purely new form of art cannot be created in this day and age. there will be many subsets of the arts thats exist and their interpretations will continue to surface depending on how technology changes and develops around us. this idea was formed under the pretext that art forms were initially created as man's representation of reality as enjoyed by his different senses (of which, we have only so many!). i guess in that sense, conception of new ideas, absolutely devoid of derivation and inspiration, is impossible , however there are endless possibilities of their interpretations. i think i know what you are saying (that is because of the way i read it not the way you write it! ;) ), and i do not completely agree that it is impossible to achieve what you propose, is extremely difficult, even more so for someone who is well read, simply because of the thought processes involved.

changingsun said...

wow...(and that's not a very original word!)