Thursday, January 05, 2006

The New Year's blog

Well... was a year I don ever want to go through again. Never. It began by me getting punished for nothing by strangers, consisted of me being held hostage by my own mind and ended by showing me an end to the most precious thing I've ever had.

It showed me an end or it lead me to a beginning. I realize now that that is a choice I must make for myself. We create our own defeats and failures. But in making that statement, I realize that I also imply that we create our own hope and our own victories. By showing me darkness, its brought my attention towards light. By making me realize my weaknesses, its shown me where to improve. By driving me to depression its shown me the necessity of a smile.

All it hasn't given me is the strength. I need to find that myself. I need to seek that out from where its hiding. I hope I can do that. I hope I am strong. I wish I could do more than hope.

However well or badly your year has gone, I hope for you all that the new one is something we will not regret.

The tequila is downed, the friends are gone, now I have just hope.


Tanu Thote said...

that was good. i can relate to it...i know how it feels to be in US, after leaving a place like India...but change ur perspective to enjoy life here, a split personality(one for US and one for India) that wud b just gr8...

Elwing said...

nah.. the new yrs blog feelings had nuthin to with being in the US... or movin .... i liked movin...moving was good... and i do enjoy it here... these feelings have purely personal origins...